Hello, world! This is my maiden voyage into the world of blogging. It got started two weeks ago when I recalled a recent homily with the quote (mistakenly attributed to St. Francis of Assisi), “Preach the gospel at all times; use words when necessary.” And I thought, “That DOES it! I’m starting a blog.”
My reason: the LAST thing that Catholics need to hear today is that we don’t need to say anything about Jesus, or the Church, or “the reason for the hope that is within [us]” (1 Peter 3:15). We’re too timid about evangelism as it is; all too willing to cop out with, “I’ll be a nice person; I’ll pray for people; people will see this and convert.” …NOT!
It’s essential to speak the truth in these days of fog and miasma. It’s so important to speak it in love. It’s getting very dark; it’s so very important to be light in the Lord. We live in a culture that is screaming an anti-Gospel through the media, through fashions, through lifestyles. If we Christians continue to be silent, who will be heard? If there was ever a time for “quiet witness” in the Church (which I doubt) – now, in the U.S., is assuredly not that time. Let’s rise up, Church: let’s cry out, “I am NOT ashamed of the gospel: it is the power of God leading to conversion: first for the Jew, then for the Greek” (Rom 1:16).
Someone once wrote recently words to the effect: “So many public figures are completely unafraid to proclaim lies: about sexual relationships, marriage, abortion, what life’s about, where we came from and where we’re going. Why are we as Christians ashamed to proclaim what we know God has revealed?”
I’ve spent too much time complaining, “Why don’t the bishops/priests/deacons SAY something about the crisis we’re in?” while remaining too silent myself. Some of the hierarchy have begun to speak out. Embarking on this blog, I realize that speaking out won’t be as easy as I thought. If I don’t get flak and outright hate mail, it means I’m not doing my job: orthodox Catholicism is horribly politically incorrect these days. Statements that would have been held as givens 30 or 40 years ago are now seen as hateful. In the areas of homosexuality and abortion, some statements may soon be criminalized in the U.S., as they are in Canada and parts of Europe: statements like “marriage can only be between a man and a woman”; “abortion is the killing of an innocent child”. Other statements are seen as intolerant: “Christianity is the only religion that has the fullness of truth”; “sex outside of marriage is wrong”.
Yet it all comes down to love: God’s love for me, mine for God, His and ours for all. The way past the barriers is love; the way through the lies is truth; the way through the darkness is light. Jesus is Lord and Shepherd; if we follow as He leads, we will “go in and go out, and find pasture” (Jn 10:9).
God bless you all –
In Christ’s love,
Well spoken. I think a blog is a great idea for you!
Very nice, Sean.