Specialties and Interests

Alcohol Abuse/Dependence
I studied alcohol dependence issues for two years in the Alcohol Studies Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. I also completed a residency with homeless veterans with severe alcohol dependency issues and co-facilitated crisis interventions for families of alcoholics. I am thoroughly versed in Twelve Step programs and continue to work with alcohol dependent clients and their families.
Anger Management
With training in anger management issues from the Waukesha County Mental Health Clinic, I help those with anger problems develop coping strategies to express negative emotion constructively.
Through relaxation skills, cognitive restructuring, and, for clients who so desire, faith-based techniques are some of the skills I help clients with anxiety issues find greater peace.
Childhood Abuse Issues
I have worked extensively with the grief, anger, trauma, self-image, forgiveness, and boundary issues that arise for victims of childhood abuse. I employ emotional stress management skills derived from the Linehan model and faith-based interventions.
Christian Counseling

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Healer in all circumstances, whether directly or through human skills, care, and techniques. I incorporate a thorough grounding in Scripture and prayer, actively enlisting the Holy Spirit's guidance throughout the therapy process.
I generally employ Beck's model of cognitive therapy to depression issues, as well as behavioral techniques such as the Pleasant Events Schedule. When needed, the client and I explore childhood or trauma issues that feed the depression.
Dual Diagnosis
I completed a year-long residency with the VA working with dually diagnosed, homeless veterans. My internship at the Milwaukee County Mental Health Division featured therapy and assessment of severely and chronically mentally ill inpatients, often with alcohol or substance abuse issues.
Gender Identity Issues
The fluidity of sexual attraction is beyond question from a scientific perspective. Through Sexual Attraction Fludity Exploration in Therapy (SAFE-T), I assist clients who desire to, and who are experiencing such fludity, to explore their sexual attractions. In common with all therapeutic interventions, I address the client's relational and environmental context, specifically as these affect the client's experience of sexual attraction.
Marriage Counseling

Much of my private practice has been with clients dealing with issues of marital distress; either in one on one or couples’ counseling. Using principles of healthy communication, the complementarity of men's and women's gifts and struggles, forgiveness, and committed love, I strive to help couples work through marital difficulties.
Men's Issues
To help men enter more fully into healthy male identity, in a culture often hostile to that, is close to my heart. I work with men on such issues as healthy communication, balance of work and family, and moral leadership and integrity.
Parenting Issues
My work with parents includes practical advice regarding depressed, anxious, or acting-out children: helping the parents set healthy boundaries, use tough love as needed, and provide a secure, nurturing home environment.
As with generalized anxiety, relaxation, cognitive interventions, and, for those who so desire, faith-based techniques can help minimize or resolve phobic reactions.
Pornography addiction can devastatingly affect the addict himself, his spouse and children, and his moral and spiritual life. Utilizing Twelve Step principles, psychoeducation on the addiction cycle, and family system precursors to pornography addictions, I work with pornography addicts to gain freedom.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
My VA fellowship featured extensive work with those suffering from PTSD. I have continued to work with victims of trauma, training clients in emotional stress management skills, relaxation techniques, and reduction in traumatic-image-related distress.
Premarital Counseling

Despite abundant evidence to the contrary, couples preparing to marry may believe that finances, personality differences, the discipline of children, relationships with in-laws, sex, career goals, and household responsibilities will take care of themselves "as long as they love each other". My work with engaged couples focuses on the open and respectful discussion of these and other crucial issues.